When people ask me if I can drink alcohol even when I am diabetic my answers are always a yes and a smile. I add, as well, that for type 2 diabetics it is important to eat something while you drink, although not too much of carbs. Often times it happens to me that if I have a glass of wine when I am dining out, I will forget how much I have already eaten.
However, if you are going to drink, you must make sure that you drink prudently, rather than in huge amounts, not only because of the potential damage to your health, but as well for the risk of driving in such a condition. Some people prefer mixed drinks when having a barbeque. If that is your case, make sure you get something that is sugar-free, for that will lessen the effects of the alcohol you might be drinking.
Anyway, beverages with a high sugar content, such as sweet wines and sherries and liqueurs should be strictly limited. Choice mixer drinks could be diet or sugar-free colas or diet tonic water. In line with your recommended daily diet guidelines, moderate alcohol consumption can be beneficial for your health, especially for your heart. In particular, red wine may be more beneficial than beer or spirits.
If you need to have a drink before eating, also have an appetizer such as crackers or bread sticks. When dining out in a restaurant, ask for a breadbasket with your drink or before it.
Note: do not forget to include this food you eat with or before your drink as part of the meal plan for the occasion.
Find out if your alcohol beverage poses a risk. Some people with diabetes can safely drink alcohol in moderate amounts, while for others any amount of alcohol will have serious negative consequences for their health.
Frequently I forget the meaning of moderation when it comes to alcohol. When I am out, for example, I like to test my blood sugar level and inject my insulin as needed. But after a few glasses of wine or beer I've forgotten I've already done and so I test again. Then, I often check my glucometer the next day, to find that once into the early hours I had been testing every fifteen minutes.
I love to drink a little at night, with microwave popcorn, but this causes extreme low levels for me in my sleep, so I cannot enjoy some hard alcohol, unfortunately.
That is why I would recommend you to keep an eye on your blood glucose levels at bedtime, and not to forget to eat something when waking up as well. And also remember that drinking alcohol does not necessarily mean sabotaging your diabetes diet.
This article was reviewed and approved by the U.S. national Office of Dietary Supplements.
Many people take dietary supplements in an effort to be well and stay healthy. With so many dietary supplements available and so many claims made about their health benefits, how can a consumer decide what’s safe and effective? Let's make a general overview of dietary supplements, discuss safety considerations, and suggest sources for additional information.
Tell your health care providers about any complementary and alternative practices you use, including dietary supplements. Give them a full picture of what you do to manage your health. This will help ensure coordinated and safe care.
Many people take dietary supplements in an effort to be well and stay healthy. With so many dietary supplements available and so many claims made about their health benefits, how can a consumer decide what’s safe and effective? Let's make a general overview of dietary supplements, discuss safety considerations, and suggest sources for additional information.
Governmental regulations for dietary supplements are very different from those for prescription and over-the-counter drugs. For example, a dietary supplement manufacturer does not have to prove a product’s safety and effectiveness before it is marketed.
If you are thinking about using a dietary supplement, first get information on it from reliable sources. Keep in mind that dietary supplements may interact with medications or other dietary supplements and may contain ingredients not listed on the label.
Tell your health care providers about any complementary and alternative practices you use, including dietary supplements. Give them a full picture of what you do to manage your health. This will help ensure coordinated and safe care.
Dietary supplements were defined in a law passed by the U.S. Congress in 1994 called the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA). According to DSHEA, a dietary supplement is a product that:
** Is intended to supplement the diet
** Contains one or more dietary ingredients (including vitamins, minerals, herbs or other botanicals, amino acids, and certain other substances) or their constituents
** Is intended to be taken by mouth, in forms such as tablet, capsule, powder, softgel, gelcap, or liquid
** Is labeled as being a dietary supplement. Herbal supplements are one type of dietary supplement. An herb is a plant or plant part (such as leaves, flowers, or seeds) that is used for its flavor, scent, and/or therapeutic properties. Botanical is often used as a synonym for herb.
** Contains one or more dietary ingredients (including vitamins, minerals, herbs or other botanicals, amino acids, and certain other substances) or their constituents
** Is intended to be taken by mouth, in forms such as tablet, capsule, powder, softgel, gelcap, or liquid
** Is labeled as being a dietary supplement. Herbal supplements are one type of dietary supplement. An herb is a plant or plant part (such as leaves, flowers, or seeds) that is used for its flavor, scent, and/or therapeutic properties. Botanical is often used as a synonym for herb.
An herbal supplement may contain a single herb or mixtures of herbs.
Research has shown that some uses of dietary supplements are effective in preventing or treating diseases. For example, scientists have found that folic acid (a vitamin) prevents certain birth defects, and a regimen of vitamins and zinc can slow the progression of the age-related eye disease macular degeneration. Also, calcium and vitamin D supplements can be helpful in preventing and treating bone loss and osteoporosis (thinning of bone tissue).
Research has also produced some promising results suggesting that other dietary supplements may be helpful for other health conditions (e.g., omega-3 fatty acids for coronary disease), but in most cases, additional research is needed before firm conclusions can be drawn.
National governments usually regulate dietary supplements through a number of specialized institutions. In the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is in charge. In general, the regulations for dietary supplements areless strict than those for prescription and over-the-counter drugs.
A manufacturer is permitted to say that a dietary supplement addresses a nutrient deficiency, supports health, or is linked to a particular body function (e.g., immunity), if there is research to support the claim. Such a claim, in the U.S., must be followed by the words "This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease."
Manufacturers are expected to follow certain "good manufacturing practices" (GMPs) to ensure that dietary supplements are processed consistently and meet quality standards. Once a dietary supplement is on the market, the FDA monitors safety. If it finds a product to be unsafe, it can take action against the manufacturer and/or distributor, and may issue a warning or require that the product be removed from the marketplace. Also, once a dietary supplement is on the market, the FDA monitors product information, such as label claims and package inserts.
Some other institutions are responsible for regulating product advertising; it requires that all information be truthful and not misleading. In the past, in different countries, governments have taken legal actions against a number of dietary supplement promoters or Web sites that promote or sell dietary supplements because they have made false or deceptive statements about their products or because marketed products have provento be unsafe.
1. Look for reliable sources of information on dietary supplements so you can evaluate the claims that are made about them. The most reliable information on dietary supplements is based on the results of rigorous scientific testing.
2. Ask your health care providers. Even if they do not know about a specific dietary supplement, they may be able to access the latest medical guidance about its uses and risks.
3. Look for scientific research findings on the dietary supplement chiefly at governmental agencies, free publications, clearinghouses, and information on their Web sites.
4. Tell your health care providers about any complementary and alternative practices you use, including dietary supplements. Give them a full picture of what you do to manage your health. This will help ensure coordinated and safe care. It is especially important to talk to your health care provider if you are thinking about replacing your regular medication with one or more dietary supplements.
5. Be careful if you are already taking any medications (whether prescription or over-the-counter), as some dietary supplements have been found to interact with medications.
6. Be extremely careful if you are planning to have surgery. Certain dietary supplements may increase the risk of bleeding or affect the response to anesthesia.
7. If you are pregnant or nursing a baby, or are considering giving a child a dietary supplement, remember that most dietary supplements have not been tested in pregnant women, nursing mothers, or children.
Keep in mind that although many dietary supplements (and some prescription drugs) come from natural sources, "natural" does not always mean "safe." It took years for me to discover, as a diabetic, an excellent dietary supplement that comply with all I said above. It is AyurGold, one of the herbal remedies being sold through the Web, very affordable and easy to get.
As an AyurGold user, I can report the following benefits (while following at the same time a balanced diet/exercise program and getting sufficient rest) of taking this supplement regularly:
++ Controlled blood sugar levels (no more insulin needed)
++ Controlled blood sugar levels (no more insulin needed)
++ Increased vitality and energy.
++ Reduced urination frequency.
++ Better sleep and greater confidence.
Other users also report:
++ Diminished blurry vision and migraines.
++ Better appetite and well-being.
++ Quicker recovery time from tiredness and injury.
You may want to visit the India Herbs web site, to get complete information about AyurGold and other herbal supplements.
dietary supplements,
herbal remedies,
herbal supplements
Diabetes complications: as long as I feel well, I must be well ---> WRONG !
I was told about all the problems my diabetes could cause, but nobody explained why. Had someone explained these things to me, I might have tried harder to do what I had been told to do.
Believe it or not, there is some good news. The whole process of long-term complications started with sticky red blood cells. The good news is that red blood cells only live two to three months. That means that in three months of keeping your blood sugar levels nearer to normal, you have a whole new set of unsticky red blood cells. This turnover eliminates the cops, slow cars, and semi-trucks from the freeway, and prevents further damage to the road. When blood sugar levels come down, the stickiness decreases on the walls of the arteries and veins, and triglycerides and cholesterol levels are reduced. So where lanes of traffic were closed, we now have open roads. Where damage has been done, we may not be able to repair it, but with improved control, we can prevent further complications and slow or stop the progress of any existing ones. Keeping blood sugars close to normal is the best way to prevent complications. Unlike genetics, age, or sex, it is the one component we have some control over.
Complications from diabetes come on over time, and damage has often started before we realize something is wrong. The belief that "as long as I feel well I must be well" does not hold true for the complications of diabetes; they come on quietly.
The heart actually has the largest blood vessels in the body so why is it damaged? First of all, it is the job of the heart to pump the thick, sticky blood through all the narrowed vessels in the body. That is like canoeing in Jell-O compared with canoeing in water. The heart also has many small vessels that feed and nourish it. When blood sugars are high, they do not get the circulation they need. So not only are we asking the heart to work twice as hard, we are depriving it of nutrition to give it strength. Cardiovascular Disease is the most common cause of death in people with diabetes. But there are support and therapy strategies that have been proven effective.
Amputations and ulcers, especially in the feet, are more frequent in patients with poorly controlled diabetes. Decreased circulation to feet and legs leads to damage and loss of nerve function. The nerves lose their ability to sense pain, pressure, touch, or temperature correctly, which results in tingling and numbess of the feet and toes (fingers, too). This condition is called peripheral neuropathy.
Autonomic neuropathy occurs when there is nerve damage affecting the automatic processes in your body such as heart rate or sweating, so they do not work as they should. The stomach may not process food correctly. The heart rate or blood pressure does not speed up or slow down in response to exercise, exertion, rest, standing, or sitting. Autonomic neuropathy also contributes to the absence of chest pain with heart attack, and can cause sweating at inappropriate times or in specific areas, leaky bladder, pupils that do not constrict or dilate as needed, sexual dysfunction, and decreased ability to sense an infection or hypoglycemia.
If you already have numbness in your feet, is there any point to controlling blood sugars?
Absolutely. Numbness and burning in the feet are signs that nerves have been damaged. Evidence has shown that nerves, when only damaged, can learn to trasmit messages through different pathways. If your feet are so completely numb that you cannot tell where they are because you cannot feel them, managing your blood sugars most likely will not get any sensation back. But it can prevent the numbness and nerve damage from spreading farther up your leg. And controlling your blood sugars will give your damanged nerves and your immune system a fighting chance to help your feet stay healthy.
Retinopathy, macular edema, glaucoma, and cataracts are the more common eye disorders related to diabetes.
Eye disease is typically progressive, and there are usually no symptoms until damage has occurred. You may have 20/20 vision yet one day have complete vision loss due to a hemorrhage. This is the reason a yearly eye exam is so important. An eye doctor will be able to see the changes occurring before vision is at risk. Laser surgery can destroy the abnormal vessels in the eye and prevent their regrowth.
Believe it or not, there is some good news. The whole process of long-term complications started with sticky red blood cells. The good news is that red blood cells only live two to three months. That means that in three months of keeping your blood sugar levels nearer to normal, you have a whole new set of unsticky red blood cells. This turnover eliminates the cops, slow cars, and semi-trucks from the freeway, and prevents further damage to the road. When blood sugar levels come down, the stickiness decreases on the walls of the arteries and veins, and triglycerides and cholesterol levels are reduced. So where lanes of traffic were closed, we now have open roads. Where damage has been done, we may not be able to repair it, but with improved control, we can prevent further complications and slow or stop the progress of any existing ones. Keeping blood sugars close to normal is the best way to prevent complications. Unlike genetics, age, or sex, it is the one component we have some control over.
Author: Janette Kirkham (American Diabetes Association)
Excerpt from: "Mastering your diabetes"
I would recommend two easy and affordable yet advanced readings on preventing, managing or reversing the common diabetes complications:
1 . Outsmart diabetes 1-2-3 is a plan to balance sugar, lose weight and reverse diabetes complications. The book distills the latest, cutting-edge information on every aspect of diabetes management into a comprehensive three-step program, with each step targeting a key component of optimal diabetes control: - Step 1—Treat and prevent diabetes complications - Step 2—Change the lifestyle factors that can compromise blood sugar balance - Step 3—Build a self-care regimen to safeguard against the disease’s long-term effects. With Outsmart Diabetes 1-2-3, readers have the knowledge and tools they need to get ahead of diabetes—and stay there for good.
2 . Lifestyle makeover for diabetics and pre-diabetics teaches action steps to prevent or reverse the deadly complications of diabetes. In this guide, you ll find information your doctor didn t tell you about how to:
- Prevent scary complications and be in control of your diabetes by understanding it
- Use the Meal Blueprint to lose weight forever and make balanced food choices every day
- Make over your meals whether you dine out or cook at home
- How to work in simple daily activity (don t call it exercise)
- Boost your sex life, regardless of your age
- Enjoy the blessings of excellent health, a natural lifespan and peace of mind while living with diabetes
In the last entry we reviewed some of the most famous herbs. Now, we will review some more. Remember that most of them are contained in some good herbal supplements, easily available in the internet.
Fenugreek has LDL cholesterol and triglyceride lowering effects as well as strong anti-diabetic properties. Studies have shown the capabilities of defatted fenugreek seed powder to increase glucose tolerance and decrease fasting blood glucose in as few as one week.
The botanical name of fenugreek is trigonella foenum-graecum. Other common names include hu lu ba, greek hay, bird's foot, greek clover, meti. Fenugreek is undoubtedly one of the oldest cultivated medicinal plants, and is native to Asia and the Mediterranean countries. Today fenugreek is widely cultivated in France, India, North Africa, Argentina, England and the United States.
Fenugreek is an annual herb, two feet tall, with trifoliate leaves. It blooms, in the early summer, white flowers tinged with violet. The seeds, contained in the flowers, give away a strong special aroma. The plant parts used are the leaves, if they are fresh, and the seeds.
Fenugreek therapeutic uses and benefits
Fenugreek is used to treat diabetes in adults and can help reduce cholesterol in the blood. It is also used as a herbal remedy to minimize the symptoms of menopause and the loss of appetite and anorexia. It can improve digestion, relieve minor stomach aches and diarrhea. A curious application is natural breast enhancement, due to its alleged capability to enlarge breast tissue.
The botanical name of fenugreek is trigonella foenum-graecum.
Another use through the ages is to increase sexual desire and for premature ejaculation treatment. Fenugreek may be helpful for treating memory loss and to slow down the aging process, as it contains choline. Among many other applications, respiratory desease symptoms as sore throat and coughs, bronchitis and asthma.
Potential side effects of fenugreek seeds
It may cause allergic reaction. In that case, one should seek medical attention and suspend treatment. It can also change both color and smell or urine, but this is not harmful. Pregnand women should not take it in any form. It can affect the absortion of other drugs due to its high fiber content; so it should not be used if you are on any kind of medication.
Goldenseal has strong insulin supporting effects and hypoglycemic properties. Its blood sugar lowering effects make it a good pre-meal supplement, to increase glucose tolerance.
The botanical name of Goldenseal is hydrastis canadensis. Other common names are eyebalm, orangeroot, yellow pucoon, eye root, ground raspberry, yellow root, indian dye, among others.
Goldenseal is found in the northeastern United States, at the edges of forests in moist, rich soil. It will prosper in partial sun and even shaded areas. Goldenseal grows to a height of about 30 centimeters, and is a perennial herb. It has a single hairy, stem and top with two 5-9 lobed leaves, which terminate in a single greenish-white flower. It has a strong odor and bitter taste. Goldenseal produces a fruit, similar to the raspberry but not edible. The plant part used is the root, for medicinal and herbal applications.
Therapeutic uses and benefits of the goldenseal root.
It is used as a treatment for some respiratory complaints such as sinus problems, stuffy nose, bronchitis, etc. and it is considered in general a good remedy for symptoms of the common cold. Also, in combination with other herbs, to help purify the kidneys and urinary tract, and to cleanse the body of toxins.
The goldenseal is also gaining esteem as a natural anti-diabetic treatment. It has been shown to lower blood sugar levels and to increase insulin production. This use as anti-diabetes must be closely monitored, due to goldenseal's tendency to raise blood pressure, which is a complication of diabetes.
Panax ginseng has many health promoting properties which can benefit all individuals. Those diabetics may benefit in various ways, including increased insulin secretion and the number of insulin receptors, a direct blood sugar control, and in general an increase in energy. Other problems that people with diabetes confront, concerning cardiovascular function and blood vessel health and tone, has also been shown to be supported by panax ginseng.
The botanical name is panax ginseng. There are many other common names for this plant, including Asiatic ginseng, Chinese ginseng, Japanese ginseng, Korean red ginseng, oriental ginseng, ren shen, guigai, ninjing, among many others.
This plant grows in Korea, Japan, Vietnam, China. It grows best in the cooler regions of the northern hemisphere. It reaches a height of up to one foot. The plant has yellowish-green flowers that grow in a circle around a straight stem. It blooms in midsummer. The fruit is a bright crimson berry that contains a few seeds the size of small peas. Sometimes this herb is referred to as a hand, due to its shape resembling a human body, with parts that look like arms and legs. The medicinal properties are found in both the leaves and the root.
It must be noted that there is a difference in the chemical composition of panax ginseng and American ginseng. In addition, eleuthero, formerly called Siberian ginseng, is a completely different species. These three herbs are not interchangeable.
The parts of the plant to be used are the leaves and the root.
Therapeutic uses and benefits of Panax Ginseng
Panax ginseng contains the so-called ginsenosides, active complex carbohydrates, with various capabilities, including stimulation of the nervous system, balance of metabolic processes, decrease of blood sugar, among others.
Panax ginseng may be considered useful as an anti-aging treatment, due to its capability to restore and maintain the cell's capacity to function.
In short, panax ginseng supports different functions of the body, and increases its resistance to biological, chemical and physical stress.
Panax ginseng has many other applications. For example, it lowers the blood alcohol contet by reducing absorption from the stomach, which is useful in cases of alcohol intoxication. It decreases senility and improves behavior and memory, which is useful for those suffering from Alzheimer's disease. Regular intake of panax ginseng reduces vulnerability to liver, pancreatic, lung, stomach and ovarian cancer. It has also been shown to increase beneficial HDL cholesterol and decrease harmful LDL cholesterol levels.
Panax ginseng lowers blood sugar levels, so it can be very important for people with type 2 diabetes.
It also boosts sexual vitality by increasing sperm production and clearly decreasing erectile dysfunction. For the immune system, panax ginseng helps fight off disease and infections. Panax ginseng has a long history of success in helping people to conquer stress. It also improves retention and concentration, especially when combined with ginkgo biloba, and enhances mental alertness.
Potential side effects.
In general it is safe to use for persons in good health. Nevertheless, this herb must be taken with prudence, preferably under qualified control, because misuse can cause headache, insomnia, vomiting, and elevation in blood pressure. For individuals who are taking medicinal drugs, the use of panax ginseng may cause falsely abnormal blood test results. It is not advisable to take panax ginseng when taking aspirin, other hypoglycemic agents, insulin, ibuprofen, and several other drugs. Neither is it in pregnancy or when suffering from mental disorders.
Therapeutic dosages.This is very important: use only standardized panax ginseng products. Follow carefully the directions on the prospectus. The daily dosages vary depending on the type of product: dried root, fresh root or liquid extract.
Fenugreek has LDL cholesterol and triglyceride lowering effects as well as strong anti-diabetic properties. Studies have shown the capabilities of defatted fenugreek seed powder to increase glucose tolerance and decrease fasting blood glucose in as few as one week.
The botanical name of fenugreek is trigonella foenum-graecum. Other common names include hu lu ba, greek hay, bird's foot, greek clover, meti. Fenugreek is undoubtedly one of the oldest cultivated medicinal plants, and is native to Asia and the Mediterranean countries. Today fenugreek is widely cultivated in France, India, North Africa, Argentina, England and the United States.
Fenugreek is an annual herb, two feet tall, with trifoliate leaves. It blooms, in the early summer, white flowers tinged with violet. The seeds, contained in the flowers, give away a strong special aroma. The plant parts used are the leaves, if they are fresh, and the seeds.
Fenugreek therapeutic uses and benefits
Fenugreek is used to treat diabetes in adults and can help reduce cholesterol in the blood. It is also used as a herbal remedy to minimize the symptoms of menopause and the loss of appetite and anorexia. It can improve digestion, relieve minor stomach aches and diarrhea. A curious application is natural breast enhancement, due to its alleged capability to enlarge breast tissue.
The botanical name of fenugreek is trigonella foenum-graecum.
Another use through the ages is to increase sexual desire and for premature ejaculation treatment. Fenugreek may be helpful for treating memory loss and to slow down the aging process, as it contains choline. Among many other applications, respiratory desease symptoms as sore throat and coughs, bronchitis and asthma.
Potential side effects of fenugreek seeds
It may cause allergic reaction. In that case, one should seek medical attention and suspend treatment. It can also change both color and smell or urine, but this is not harmful. Pregnand women should not take it in any form. It can affect the absortion of other drugs due to its high fiber content; so it should not be used if you are on any kind of medication.
Goldenseal has strong insulin supporting effects and hypoglycemic properties. Its blood sugar lowering effects make it a good pre-meal supplement, to increase glucose tolerance.
The botanical name of Goldenseal is hydrastis canadensis. Other common names are eyebalm, orangeroot, yellow pucoon, eye root, ground raspberry, yellow root, indian dye, among others.
Goldenseal is found in the northeastern United States, at the edges of forests in moist, rich soil. It will prosper in partial sun and even shaded areas. Goldenseal grows to a height of about 30 centimeters, and is a perennial herb. It has a single hairy, stem and top with two 5-9 lobed leaves, which terminate in a single greenish-white flower. It has a strong odor and bitter taste. Goldenseal produces a fruit, similar to the raspberry but not edible. The plant part used is the root, for medicinal and herbal applications.
Therapeutic uses and benefits of the goldenseal root.
It is used as a treatment for some respiratory complaints such as sinus problems, stuffy nose, bronchitis, etc. and it is considered in general a good remedy for symptoms of the common cold. Also, in combination with other herbs, to help purify the kidneys and urinary tract, and to cleanse the body of toxins.
The goldenseal is also gaining esteem as a natural anti-diabetic treatment. It has been shown to lower blood sugar levels and to increase insulin production. This use as anti-diabetes must be closely monitored, due to goldenseal's tendency to raise blood pressure, which is a complication of diabetes.
Panax ginseng has many health promoting properties which can benefit all individuals. Those diabetics may benefit in various ways, including increased insulin secretion and the number of insulin receptors, a direct blood sugar control, and in general an increase in energy. Other problems that people with diabetes confront, concerning cardiovascular function and blood vessel health and tone, has also been shown to be supported by panax ginseng.
The botanical name is panax ginseng. There are many other common names for this plant, including Asiatic ginseng, Chinese ginseng, Japanese ginseng, Korean red ginseng, oriental ginseng, ren shen, guigai, ninjing, among many others.
This plant grows in Korea, Japan, Vietnam, China. It grows best in the cooler regions of the northern hemisphere. It reaches a height of up to one foot. The plant has yellowish-green flowers that grow in a circle around a straight stem. It blooms in midsummer. The fruit is a bright crimson berry that contains a few seeds the size of small peas. Sometimes this herb is referred to as a hand, due to its shape resembling a human body, with parts that look like arms and legs. The medicinal properties are found in both the leaves and the root.
It must be noted that there is a difference in the chemical composition of panax ginseng and American ginseng. In addition, eleuthero, formerly called Siberian ginseng, is a completely different species. These three herbs are not interchangeable.
The parts of the plant to be used are the leaves and the root.
Therapeutic uses and benefits of Panax Ginseng
Panax ginseng contains the so-called ginsenosides, active complex carbohydrates, with various capabilities, including stimulation of the nervous system, balance of metabolic processes, decrease of blood sugar, among others.
Panax ginseng may be considered useful as an anti-aging treatment, due to its capability to restore and maintain the cell's capacity to function.
In short, panax ginseng supports different functions of the body, and increases its resistance to biological, chemical and physical stress.
Panax ginseng has many other applications. For example, it lowers the blood alcohol contet by reducing absorption from the stomach, which is useful in cases of alcohol intoxication. It decreases senility and improves behavior and memory, which is useful for those suffering from Alzheimer's disease. Regular intake of panax ginseng reduces vulnerability to liver, pancreatic, lung, stomach and ovarian cancer. It has also been shown to increase beneficial HDL cholesterol and decrease harmful LDL cholesterol levels.
Panax ginseng lowers blood sugar levels, so it can be very important for people with type 2 diabetes.
It also boosts sexual vitality by increasing sperm production and clearly decreasing erectile dysfunction. For the immune system, panax ginseng helps fight off disease and infections. Panax ginseng has a long history of success in helping people to conquer stress. It also improves retention and concentration, especially when combined with ginkgo biloba, and enhances mental alertness.
Potential side effects.
In general it is safe to use for persons in good health. Nevertheless, this herb must be taken with prudence, preferably under qualified control, because misuse can cause headache, insomnia, vomiting, and elevation in blood pressure. For individuals who are taking medicinal drugs, the use of panax ginseng may cause falsely abnormal blood test results. It is not advisable to take panax ginseng when taking aspirin, other hypoglycemic agents, insulin, ibuprofen, and several other drugs. Neither is it in pregnancy or when suffering from mental disorders.
Therapeutic dosages.This is very important: use only standardized panax ginseng products. Follow carefully the directions on the prospectus. The daily dosages vary depending on the type of product: dried root, fresh root or liquid extract.
Most of these herbs are part of AyurGold, one of the best supplements for the treatment of diabetes mellitus, for its stimulating effects on the body secreting insulin and the enhancing of the effects of it.
herbal remedies,
herbal supplements
The use of homeopatic and herbal remedies and dietary supplements can help prevent diabetes and also keep signs and symptoms of the disease under control, as a great deal of evidence suggests. Herbal remedies and dietary supplements can reduce and sometimes even eliminate the need for prescription medication, and can also help prevent some of the damages of tissues and organs associated with high blood sugar levels, when correct lifestyle changes are made at the same time.
Some herbs have proven successful as natural supplements to treat symptoms and signs of diabetes. Among them, we can cite Gymnema Sylvestre, Cinnamon, Bitter Melon, Fenugreek, Goldenseal and Panax Ginseng. Likewise, the mineral Chromium Picolinate has been proven to enhance the effectiveness of insulin.
Other natural remedies can be used as natural supplements to treat diabetes, helping maintain glycemia levels within the normal range and supporting the endocrine system. That is the case of AyurGold. The herbs in it can be used as natural supplements to treat diabetes, and also as support for a healthy circulation, which is an important issue concerning diabetics, who need to improve their flow of blood to the hands and feet.
The bottom line in the overall management of diabetes is that the use of natural herbs can be important. At the same time, a constant monitoring of glycemia levels and a good overall diabetes education must accompany the use of herbal supplement for diabetes. Needless to remember once more, any changes in medication or in supplements must be discussed with the doctor or nutritionist.
Below is a review of some of the most widely accepted herbs to treat diabetes. In a few days, come back to this site. You will find the review of more or the famous glycemia-controlling herbs, also contained in the main herbal supplements, included AyurGold, easily available through the Web.
Gymnema Sylvestre is a diabetes diet supplement that may assist with diabetes as well as anything related to the process of absorbing sugar within the body. Gymnema Sylvestre is all-natural, and is essentially an ayurvedic herb. Its most suitable use would be for individuals with type-2 diabetes, and especially those who suffer to control their urges for sweets. It can be taken with other medications, and it is claimed to be non-addictive. It is stated to have no side effects, but nevertheless, pregnant or nursing women should not take this supplement.
There does not appear to exist absolute security on the results provided with Gymnema Sylvestre, after some clinical trials conducted with it. But it is more than likely that this substance may be able to assist men and women with type-2 diabetes and regulating blood sugar levels. Gymnema Sylvestre can be easily purchased online in capsule or tea form, and is an all-natural herbal component.
Gymnema Sylvestre is found mainly in the forests of India. Its leaves provide its herbal properties. It has been in use for treatment of diabetes for about 2000 years. It provides easy, speedy and gentle absorption of the optimum blend or nutrients that promote health. Its leaf standardized extract, available on line, supports healthy glucose metabolism.
Cinnamon is another herbal treatment for diabetes that has begun to find favor with modern science. It has been shown to increase the sensitivity to insuline of the cells of the body. And that, in turn, improves the conversion of glucose to energy through the use of insulin. Some say that Cinnamon may triple insulin's efficiency, wheter natural or injected. The damaging effects of diabetes are also reduced by the anti-oxidant properties of the Cinnamon.
It is native to South India and Sri Lanka, and also widely grown in countries such as China, Vietnam, Brazil, Indonesia. Cinnamon is an evergreen tree which could attain a height of more than 15 meters. It has strong branches , a stout trunk that is up to 60 centimetres in diameter and a thick bark. The tree bears small white flowers; the fruits are oval blue berries, with white spots. The shiny green leaves are stiff and leathery.
Therapeutic uses of Cinnamon
Ever since the ancient times, Cinnamon has been in use as a culinary spice, for its flavor, and also as a medicinal herb. In the present times the bark is still widely used all over the world as a cooking ingredient. It adds a hint of spice to teas, candies, desserts, and in many dishes in Asian and Middle Eastern cooking as well.
Cinnamon has plenty of medicinal uses. It improves digestion and provides relief to flatulence, diarrhea, nausea and other digestive disorders. It also has the ability to regulate blood glucose. This property makes it useful to supplement diabetes diet as an herbal treatment. The level of blood sugar is reduced in those suffering from type-2 diabetes with just 2.5 ml. of Cinnamon a day, according to a study.
Consuming cinnamon is useful for people who have cold hands and feet, because it generates warmth in the system. It was reported about some arthritis patients which were given one tablespoon of honey with half a tablespoon of cinnamon in powdered form, everyday before breakfast, and the results were clearly beneficial. The participants in the study reported an important reduction in the pain in short periods of time. Cinnamon also helps get rid of flu, cold and headaches. The essential oil of the leaves has a spicy fragrance that reduces irritability and drowsiness and purifies the air indoors.
Dosage and Administration
The essence of cinnamon in the form of tablets can be easily purchased on line. The tea can be purchased too, or be made at home by pouring hot water over one teaspoon of cinnamon bark.
Potential side effects of cinnamon.
The bark tea is safe, with no frequent side effects. Exception: large doses for those with ulcers is not advisable, as it could irritate the stomach lining. The same for pregnant women.
In orthodox medicine, bitter melon has been used in a widespread way for the treatment of diabetes. Its capabilities for lowering blood sugar has attracted diabetics for centuries. One of the active ingredients in bitter melon, charantin, is a potent hypoglycemic agent, as many hypoglycemic drugs used in diabetes treatment.Another active ingredient, momordica, very similar to insulin, decreases blood glucose levels. Due to its potent hypoglycemic effect, this supplement should be taken with care when taken along with medications to control diabetes.
The botanical name of bitter melon is momordica charantia. Other common names are karela, caraili, papailla, ampalaya, balsam apple or pear, pare, bitter gourd. Its natural habitat are parts of South America, the Caribbean, Asia and Africa, areas with tropical conditions. This tropical vine grows up to six to eight feet in height. The fruit is oblong and with a rough exterior.
Therapeutic benefit and uses.
In the Amazon, it is used as a medicine and also in cooking. As far as the medicinal uses are concerned, American natives have used it for a long time as a treatment of diabetes, and many other application as well.
Some use it as an aphrodisiac and others as an anti-inflammatory agent. In some places the young fruits are used in cooking as they are rich in vitamins A and C, carbohydrates and iron.
Though it has so many uses, it has attracted particular attention as a herbal treatment for diabetes. Its effectivenes has been proved by clinical research, and thus it is deemed as a natural alternative to conventional drug to treat diabetes.
Other medical uses could be for piles, respiratory disorders, blood disorders, alcoholism and cholera. Research is being carried to study the effectiveness of bitter melon to fight cancer and HIV infections.
Dosage and administration
A daily dose of 60 ml of fresh juice or, alternatively, a small fruit per day. It also may be used in tincture form, to avoid the bitter taste.
Side effects
It is considered fairly safe to use, but it is advisable as prescribed by a health care physician. No harmful side effects were generally reported. The seeds must not be consumed, due to a possible toxic effect.
An important notice: since bitter melon lowers the level of glycemia, care must be taken by those susceptible to hypoglycemia, as it might make their condition worse, and lead to a coma. Care must be taken also by those on anti-diabetic medication, due to the possibility of blood sugar level to drop below normal. Pregnant women should avoid bitter melon.
REMEMBER to come back in a few days, to learn more about the blood-sugar-reducing herbs.
Some herbs have proven successful as natural supplements to treat symptoms and signs of diabetes. Among them, we can cite Gymnema Sylvestre, Cinnamon, Bitter Melon, Fenugreek, Goldenseal and Panax Ginseng. Likewise, the mineral Chromium Picolinate has been proven to enhance the effectiveness of insulin.
Other natural remedies can be used as natural supplements to treat diabetes, helping maintain glycemia levels within the normal range and supporting the endocrine system. That is the case of AyurGold. The herbs in it can be used as natural supplements to treat diabetes, and also as support for a healthy circulation, which is an important issue concerning diabetics, who need to improve their flow of blood to the hands and feet.
The bottom line in the overall management of diabetes is that the use of natural herbs can be important. At the same time, a constant monitoring of glycemia levels and a good overall diabetes education must accompany the use of herbal supplement for diabetes. Needless to remember once more, any changes in medication or in supplements must be discussed with the doctor or nutritionist.
Below is a review of some of the most widely accepted herbs to treat diabetes. In a few days, come back to this site. You will find the review of more or the famous glycemia-controlling herbs, also contained in the main herbal supplements, included AyurGold, easily available through the Web.
Gymnema Sylvestre is a diabetes diet supplement that may assist with diabetes as well as anything related to the process of absorbing sugar within the body. Gymnema Sylvestre is all-natural, and is essentially an ayurvedic herb. Its most suitable use would be for individuals with type-2 diabetes, and especially those who suffer to control their urges for sweets. It can be taken with other medications, and it is claimed to be non-addictive. It is stated to have no side effects, but nevertheless, pregnant or nursing women should not take this supplement.
There does not appear to exist absolute security on the results provided with Gymnema Sylvestre, after some clinical trials conducted with it. But it is more than likely that this substance may be able to assist men and women with type-2 diabetes and regulating blood sugar levels. Gymnema Sylvestre can be easily purchased online in capsule or tea form, and is an all-natural herbal component.
Gymnema Sylvestre is found mainly in the forests of India. Its leaves provide its herbal properties. It has been in use for treatment of diabetes for about 2000 years. It provides easy, speedy and gentle absorption of the optimum blend or nutrients that promote health. Its leaf standardized extract, available on line, supports healthy glucose metabolism.
Cinnamon is another herbal treatment for diabetes that has begun to find favor with modern science. It has been shown to increase the sensitivity to insuline of the cells of the body. And that, in turn, improves the conversion of glucose to energy through the use of insulin. Some say that Cinnamon may triple insulin's efficiency, wheter natural or injected. The damaging effects of diabetes are also reduced by the anti-oxidant properties of the Cinnamon.
It is native to South India and Sri Lanka, and also widely grown in countries such as China, Vietnam, Brazil, Indonesia. Cinnamon is an evergreen tree which could attain a height of more than 15 meters. It has strong branches , a stout trunk that is up to 60 centimetres in diameter and a thick bark. The tree bears small white flowers; the fruits are oval blue berries, with white spots. The shiny green leaves are stiff and leathery.
Therapeutic uses of Cinnamon
Ever since the ancient times, Cinnamon has been in use as a culinary spice, for its flavor, and also as a medicinal herb. In the present times the bark is still widely used all over the world as a cooking ingredient. It adds a hint of spice to teas, candies, desserts, and in many dishes in Asian and Middle Eastern cooking as well.
Cinnamon has plenty of medicinal uses. It improves digestion and provides relief to flatulence, diarrhea, nausea and other digestive disorders. It also has the ability to regulate blood glucose. This property makes it useful to supplement diabetes diet as an herbal treatment. The level of blood sugar is reduced in those suffering from type-2 diabetes with just 2.5 ml. of Cinnamon a day, according to a study.
Consuming cinnamon is useful for people who have cold hands and feet, because it generates warmth in the system. It was reported about some arthritis patients which were given one tablespoon of honey with half a tablespoon of cinnamon in powdered form, everyday before breakfast, and the results were clearly beneficial. The participants in the study reported an important reduction in the pain in short periods of time. Cinnamon also helps get rid of flu, cold and headaches. The essential oil of the leaves has a spicy fragrance that reduces irritability and drowsiness and purifies the air indoors.
Dosage and Administration
The essence of cinnamon in the form of tablets can be easily purchased on line. The tea can be purchased too, or be made at home by pouring hot water over one teaspoon of cinnamon bark.
Potential side effects of cinnamon.
The bark tea is safe, with no frequent side effects. Exception: large doses for those with ulcers is not advisable, as it could irritate the stomach lining. The same for pregnant women.
In orthodox medicine, bitter melon has been used in a widespread way for the treatment of diabetes. Its capabilities for lowering blood sugar has attracted diabetics for centuries. One of the active ingredients in bitter melon, charantin, is a potent hypoglycemic agent, as many hypoglycemic drugs used in diabetes treatment.Another active ingredient, momordica, very similar to insulin, decreases blood glucose levels. Due to its potent hypoglycemic effect, this supplement should be taken with care when taken along with medications to control diabetes.
The botanical name of bitter melon is momordica charantia. Other common names are karela, caraili, papailla, ampalaya, balsam apple or pear, pare, bitter gourd. Its natural habitat are parts of South America, the Caribbean, Asia and Africa, areas with tropical conditions. This tropical vine grows up to six to eight feet in height. The fruit is oblong and with a rough exterior.
Therapeutic benefit and uses.
In the Amazon, it is used as a medicine and also in cooking. As far as the medicinal uses are concerned, American natives have used it for a long time as a treatment of diabetes, and many other application as well.
Some use it as an aphrodisiac and others as an anti-inflammatory agent. In some places the young fruits are used in cooking as they are rich in vitamins A and C, carbohydrates and iron.
Though it has so many uses, it has attracted particular attention as a herbal treatment for diabetes. Its effectivenes has been proved by clinical research, and thus it is deemed as a natural alternative to conventional drug to treat diabetes.
Other medical uses could be for piles, respiratory disorders, blood disorders, alcoholism and cholera. Research is being carried to study the effectiveness of bitter melon to fight cancer and HIV infections.
Dosage and administration
A daily dose of 60 ml of fresh juice or, alternatively, a small fruit per day. It also may be used in tincture form, to avoid the bitter taste.
Side effects
It is considered fairly safe to use, but it is advisable as prescribed by a health care physician. No harmful side effects were generally reported. The seeds must not be consumed, due to a possible toxic effect.
An important notice: since bitter melon lowers the level of glycemia, care must be taken by those susceptible to hypoglycemia, as it might make their condition worse, and lead to a coma. Care must be taken also by those on anti-diabetic medication, due to the possibility of blood sugar level to drop below normal. Pregnant women should avoid bitter melon.
REMEMBER to come back in a few days, to learn more about the blood-sugar-reducing herbs.
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