The method of treatment for your diabetic neuropathy can vary according to your symptoms and the sort of neuropathy that you have. Ordinarily, treatment focuses on decreasing current symptoms and preventing the situation from getting worse. All this by keeping your blood glucose level within a constricted target range. This translates into glycosylate hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels near normal.

You can keep your blood glucose levels within the objective range by taking your oral diabetes medication or insulin as prescribed, checking your blood glucose levels, following your diabetes diet (including herbal supplements), exercising, and seeing your physician regularly.

It is as well important to properly mind for your feet when you have diabetic neuropathy. Diabetic neuropathy may produce a loss of sensitivity in your feet. It is possible for a wound or other foot trouble to go unnoticed. Without proper foot care, an untreated foot sore can lead to a severe infection or possibly even amputation.

It is wise as well to preserve healthy habits such as consulting your physician regularly, checking up your blood pressure, eating a balanced diet, taking good nutritional supplements, exercising on a regular basis, not smoking, and restraining or avoiding alcohol. Supplementary treatment depends on the exact sort of diabetic neuropathy that you suffer from, along with your present symptoms.

Numerous people suffering from peripheral neuropathy have from mild to cruel pain in particular areas of their bodies. Talk with your physician about treatment that can lessen your pain and recover your physical functioning, humor, and psychological well-being. If you are recommended to use heat or ice, be cautious. Neuropathy can make it difficult for you to experience changes in temperature.

In most cases, treatments for your neuropaty may include, among others, physical therapy such as stretching, exercises, and massage.

Have you heard about any massage method or read about the subject? Lately I came across "The Diabetes Massage Method". This book shows you how to utilize treatments and techniques that have been shown to be effective and safe for diabetics. It makes it easy, convenient and pleasurable for diabetics of any age and physical condition to massage themselves, thus fighting complications such as poor circulation, neuropathy and pain.

"The Diabetes Massage Method" targets the feet to heal and prevent ulcers and amputations. Click here if you want to learn more.


What is the most recent assumption of why glucose damages the nerves? There exist two main possibilities, experts say. Both aim the protecting cover of the nerves, the so-called myelin sheath.

1. One hypothesis is that it is either blood sugar directly, or a derivative of the metabolism of sugar -- something that chemically produces irritation of the nerve sheath. When this sheath is ruined, a bare nerve is uncovered - just as you would expose an electrical cable if you stripped off its plastic outside layer. The exposed nerve is very aching at first, but then over time, the sensation could be totally lost.

2. The other hypothesis says that the problem resides in the circulatory system and the absence of the blood supply to the nerves. If the minuscule blood vessels that nourish the nerves are destroyed, then you see a malnourishment of the nerve sheath. There is some support for one or the other hypothesis, and there is some proof that both may be going on, too. It is a subject that has not been resolved yet.

Consequently while contemporary medicine does not thus far know definitely what causes nerve pain, one fact is certain: maintaining your blood sugar at a safe range is the foremost step in defending the healthiness of your nerves. Be confident and quick to talk with your medical doctor at the first signal of abnormal nerve pain, numbness, tingling or burning sensation -- no matter where they may occur in your body.

Years of elevated glycemic index food eating and recurrent discharge of insulin into your bloodstream may have caused this injure to your body and some level of insulin resistance to appear.

To help reverse this, and of course try to attain complete recovery from nerve pain, I know of an herbal supplement, "AyurGold", which provides your body with a lot of phytonutrients. They act at the molecular level to stimulate endocrine cells of your pancreas to improve glucose metabolism, and inhibit glucose output from the liver to restore natural balance and harmony to your body.
You may want to visit the India Herbs web site, to get complete information about "AyurGold" and other herbal supplements.

Another resource I would like to strongly recommend to you is a book, "The Diabetes Massage Method", which shows you how to utilize treatments and techniques that have been shown to be effective and safe for diabetics. It makes it easy, convenient and pleasurable for diabetics of any age and physical condition to massage themselves, thus fighting complications such as poor circulation, neuropathy and pain. "The Diabetes Massage Method" targets the feet to heal and prevent ulcers and amputations.


Intensive Glucose Control Halves Complications

Do your efforts for intensive diabetes control really matter? Absolutely!

A follow-up to the landmark DCCT (Diabetes Control & Complications Trial) shows that aiming for an HbA1c of 6% halves your risk of complications.

"The demonstration that near-normal glucose control substantially lowers microvascular and cardiovascular complications has heralded a new era of type 1 diabetes care," says lead author of the study, David M. Nathan, M.D. "The remarkable improvement in long-term outcomes achieved with intensive glucose control should encourage clinicians and patients alike to implement intensive therapy as early in the course of type 1 diabetes as possible."

According to the NIH press release linked below, intensive glucose control meant "trying to keep hemoglobin A1c (A1C) readings at 6 percent or less with at least three insulin injections a day or an insulin pump, guided by frequent self-monitoring of blood glucose. (A1C reflects average blood glucose over the previous two to three months.)"

Studies for people with type 2 diabetes, although not as comprehensive, have shown similar results.

The bottom line: your efforts at great control can save your limbs, eyesight, and life. It's worth all of the effort you put into making it happen.

(Abstract from Diabetes Daily)


Many options are available to help keep an individual's blood glucose levels under control. If left uncontrolled, diabetes can result in blindness, amputation of limbs, and end-stage renal disease.

The Facts

1. Successful treatment involves lowering blood sugar levels to normal glucose blood levels, which usually fall in the range of 70 to 110 mg/dl before meals and lower than 180 mg/dl two hours after the start of the meal.

Diet and Exercise

2. Doctors recommend changing to a low-fat, low-calorie diet. Excess calories and fat trigger rises in blood sugar. Regular exercise is also important for controlling blood sugar. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-level exercise four days a week.

Anti-diabetic Medications

3. Diabetics may take one or many types of anti-diabetic medications in order to manage blood glucose levels. Such medications include oral remedies, such as Sulfonylurea, Metformin, and Thiazolidinediones or DPP-4 inhibitors, a new class of Type 2 drug that attempts to prevent the breakdown of GLP-1 in the gut.


4. If diet, exercise and antidiabetic medications do not lower blood sugar levels to normal ranges, doctors recommend insulin shots and/or insulin inhalables to treat the disease.

Herbal Remedies

5. Herbal remedies lower blood sugar levels by improving the body's ability to metabolize insulin. Cinnamon has shown promise in managing blood sugar. The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Beltsville Human Nutrition Center isolated insulin-enhancing properties in cinnamon that can alleviate or prevent glucose intolerances.

Article reprinted from


You may be getting ready to spend a great weekend, which is quickly approaching. I hope you get plenty of time to give your body some rest. This is not always easy, even less when you are constantly focused on maintaining your blood glucose under control. But truth is, we diabetics all need to get rest to regain our energy levels, especially on weekends.

Speaking of energy, do you some times wonder "why I might be feeling so weak?"
The reality is that you have lots of potential energy from glucose, frequently high levels of glucose, and yet your body is unable to make adequate use of it. You can produce at least part of the insulin your body requires, and still you cannot properly utilize it. Remember that insulin is a hormone intended to help the sugar contained in the blood stream to enter the cells to provide energy.

As a diabetic, like the vast majority of those with diabetes, you might suffer from the underlying problem called insulin resistance. Statistics show that in 90% of all type 2 diabetics the pancreas makes plenty of insulin, but your cells resists the action of insulin and the sugar won't be allowed to get inside.

As a logical consequence, the level of blood glucose begins to rise. There are products, including drugs and the like, which attack the major source of elevated blood sugar. You may ask your doctor about these.


When you have high blood sugar for extended periods it does more than sap your energy. It also puts you at risk for nerve damage, memory loss, a weakened immune system, and even heart disease, among other serious complications.

Studies show that any progress you make in controlling your blood glucose will result in evident benefits for your health. For example, for every 1 point reduction in your HbA1c, your risk of developing complications of diabetes could be reduced by an astonishing 40%.

There is another option, besides the blood sugar lowering drugs. It is called the herbal supplements, all-natural, with no side-effects and also very affordable (cheaper and safer than chemical drugs, by the way). Of the various I've seen and heard about in the Internet, I could recommend AyurGold.

As an AyurGold user, I can report the following benefits, while following a balanced diet+exercise program and getting sufficient rest at the same time:

++ Controlled blood sugar levels.
++ Increased vitality and energy.
++ Reduced urination frequency.
++ Better sleep and greater confidence.

Other users also report:

++ Diminished blurry vision and migraines.
++ Better appetite and well-being.
++ Quicker recovery time from tiredness and injury.

You may want to visit the India Herbs web site, to get complete information about AyurGold and other herbal supplements.

: stabilizing your blood sugar is not so hard to attain, and is extremely important in maintaining your overall health.

DIABETES SYMPTOMS: When to seek medical care

If you or someone close to you are having any typical symptoms of diabetes, even though you both are not known to have diabetes, arrange a rendezvous to see a physician as soon as possible. When you make the engagement, tell the operator that you are concerned about diabetes. Try as well to make arrangements with a laboratory for blood sugar testing before the consultation.

Call a doctor right away if the patient is known to suffer from diabetes and any of the following apply:

*** The patient is showing diabetes symptoms. This may mean that his/her glycemia level is not under control despite treatment.

*** The diabetic's blood sugar levels, when tested, are constantly high (more than 200 mg/dL). Steady high blood sugar levels are the basic cause of all of the complications of diabetes.

*** The patient's glycemia level is frequently low (less than 60 mg/dL). This may mean that the management approach is too aggressive. It also may be an indication of infection or other strain on the system such as kidney malfunction, liver or adrenal gland failure, or the associated use of some medications.

*** The diabetic has an injury to the leg or foot, no matter how unimportant. Even the tiniest blister or cut can become very grave in a person with diabetes. Early diagnosis and handling of problems with the lower extremities and the feet, alongside with customary diabetic foot care, are decisive in preserving the normal function of the legs and avoiding amputation.

*** The patient suffers from a mild fever (less than 101.5°F). Fever is an indication of infection. In people with diabetes, many ordinary infections can potentially be more hazardous for them than for other people. Note down any symptoms, such as aching urination, redness or inflammation of the skin, pain in the belly, chest ache, or cough, that may point out where the infection is located.

*** The diabetic is revolted or vomiting but can maintain liquids down. The doctor may adjust medications whilst the patient is ailing and will probably recommend an imperative office visit or a call to the emergency unit. Unrelenting nausea and vomiting can be a signal of diabetic ketoacidosis, a potentially deadly condition, as well as a number of other dangerous illnesses.

*** The patient has a little sore (ulcer) on the leg or foot. Any non-healing ulcer or sore on the foot or leg of a diabetic must be seen by a medical professional without delay. A sore less than 1 inch crossways, not draining excretion, and not revealing deep bone or tissue can securely be evaluated in a physician's office provided that the patient does not have fever and their glycemia levels are well managed.

There are countless publications available in the Internet to those who have diabetes, those at risk for the disease, health care consultants and others who care for diabetics, or just want to know more about this condition.

I recently examined one easy-to-read and surprisingly affordable short book: "Stop Prediabetes Now" which I would warmly recommend.

Ann Louise Gittleman, Ph.D., New York Times bestselling author says that "this unbiased book tells the truth about a condition that has clearly become a hidden epidemic in this country."


By Richard Ferri
eHow Contributing Writer

Diabetes is a very common sugar and insulin disorder that often goes undetected in adults. Diabetes impacts nearly 24 million Americans. While this number is staggering by itself, it is important to note that an estimated 6 million people do not know that they have the disease. Diabetes is a disease in which the hormone known as insulin is not properly regulated, which can result in blood sugar (or glucose) imbalances.

There are various forms of diabetes that can range from a total lack of the body’s ability to produce insulin and regulate glucose to the body producing an ineffective amount of insulin. Proper glucose regulation is essential to normal bodily function, thought process and overall wellbeing. Poorly regulated glucose can damage virtually every internal organ and result in life-threatening infections and other conditions.

The good news about diabetes is that advances in care have been tremendous and the disease can be regulated extremely well. Given the fact that nearly 25 percent of Americans with diabetes do not know they have this serious, but treatable condition--this article will focus on the three major signs or red flags of diabetes.


*** Step 1 ***

Observe if there is frequent urination. The first of the three classic symptoms (usually referred to as the P's of Diabetes) is frequent urination or polyuria. This can be a confusing symptom, since it can occur with various other medical conditions other than diabetes. For women it may be a sign of a bladder infection, and for men it may herald the onset of an enlarged prostate. The main difference, however, with diabetes-associated polyuria is that the urinary stream is typically normal without burning or hesitation, but rather frequent and ultimately annoying urination.

*** Step 2 ***

Recognize excessive thirst (polydipsia). This symptom is usually noticeable since people frequently will state that they simply cannot drink enough and have never been as thirsty as this before. Essentially, the imbalance of glucose can result in another imbalance in how the body concentrates fluids (sometimes referred to as osmolarity) resulting in a craving and need to drink fluids in an attempt to correct this imbalance.

*** Step 3 ***

Notice if there is excessive hunger (polyphagia). Much like excessive thirst, excessive hunger is a rather striking symptom that patients frequently report. The sugar or glucose normally consumed by someone with new onset diabetes cannot be converted to energy and used by the body due to the insulin dysfunction, therefore a vicious cycle occurs whereby the body demands more and more food to help ward off glucose starvation, which is occurring since the insulin is absent or not effective. In essence, the body is dramatically attempting to maintain a normal blood sugar level without the full use of the regulating hormone insulin, so the brain tells the body: feed me!


*** Step 4 ***

Consider that family history, obesity and a sedentary lifestyle are risk factors for diabetes. Remember, treatment options for diabetes are numerous and effective and getting diagnosed and treated can dramatically improve health and quality of life.


Diabetes often goes unrecognized and is on the rise in certain parts of the world. There are varying levels of altered insulin production and the treatments needed. Obesity, diets high in refined sugars and saturated fats and sedentary lifestyles are risk factors that can be altered and corrected.

**** Never assume that you are not at risk because of a healthy lifestyle *****

***** Also keep an eye on your children if you have a family history of diabetes *****

Genetics play an important role in the development of diabetes like many other diseases. Click on the following links if you want to learn about managing the diabetes symptoms
of yours and your children's.